Let's get wild mix! Astragalus & Hibiscus Mix TOGETHER!


2 teaspoons of organic astragulus root

1 teaspoon of organic cat’s claw bark

1 teaspoon of organic milk thistle seeds

.25-.5 teaspoon of organic licorice root

1 teaspoon organic hibiscus flower

1 teaspoon organic burdock root

1 teaspoon organic dandelion root

1 teaspoon organic chickweed

Now we are getting into the world of very complex herbal blends. I used to drink a cup of hibiscus mix tea, which was delicious. I also drank a cup of astragalus mix tea, which was delicious. But then I started drinking cistus tea because I LOVE DR. KLINGHARDT! Just the way he says “cistus tea” in his German accent is enough for me to drop everything and go buy it. Anyway, once I added the cistus, I was over my limit for morning cups of tea, since I can literally only fit about 4 cups of tea into my body at a time.

That is when it occurred to me: I can mix the astragalus and hibiscus mixes! So now I have this massive 8-herb blend, and I LOVE IT even more than the original two. My wish is that you might too! And if you don’t, try drinking each tea one at a time, and take out the tea you don’t like, and only drink what you do like. Because tea, in my opinion, is all about joy and happiness — so I invite you to be empowered to have a purely joyful and happy tea experience, EVERY TIME!

By the way I add a tablespoon of freshly squeezed organic lemon juice to every cup of tea I drink. So also add whatever gives you joy to your tea.


Tea Party! Mistletoe, Strawberry Leaf, Yellow Dock, Elder Flower, Mugwort & Rooibos


Delicious Astragalus Herbal Tea Mix